I had a conversation today with a very dear American friend of mine. Her post hit home with me and we connected. I told her:
"As a Canadian, I look up to another flag but I can appreciate your passion. When I was in the military (yup...me...army girl...had I ever told you that before?) I was sent to 'raise the morning flag'. I stood alone one crisp morning, raised the flag, saluted and sang our national anthem. I marched inside and returned to my post.
A few moments later the Admiral called down and spoke with my Captain. He said I had demonstrated true passion like he had not seen in a long time and that he extended his gratitude to me. I was surprised and touched as they aren't normally so open or personal.
We are all trying to connect and yet we are already all connected."
Let us leave the rest for another day.
From her to me to you.....

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