I started a blog on another page that I had to move here, so I had some comments from other people that I deleted making some of my previous entries sound strange or lacking :) So as of today I have completed the transfer of my log. This log is the last one I had to move here. Only took me a couple FULL days to do it, *phew*. Glad I'm done that!
R2P2D20 (-16.4) Flat...LOL

No surprise there! After my last 2 days, I bet my body needed a break to catch up. Either that or I hexed myself by saying I was at my goal, lol. I have not drank enough water in the last while so today I will make sure I get back on track. Last night I made the "oopsie rolls" dessert with egg whites. I have to give it 2 thumbs down. The texture was comparable to styrofoam and it stuck to the lips. I flavoured it with hazelnut cream stevia drops and
some regular stevia powder. Tasted okay but not enjoyable as a whole. They looked awesome though! LOL I ate it with an apple as the last of my strawberries had turned on me. Hubby tried one with some chocolate syrup and said he had might as well just squirted the syrup in his mouth. HA! I don't recommend wasting the 2 hours it takes to make these.
So tomorrow morning is last drops weigh-in!! I'm almost there! I vote yes to short rounds from now on. Seems
this was just long enough to get tiresome but not too long that I feel despairing. Let's face it, it is a daily challenge that takes up a lot of the psyche leaving a limit on the rest of our lives. I understand that this is what
it will take to get me back to good health. I need to take breaks though, or I'll never make it. I have given myself 2 years to do this so no need to push things along too fast. Already, my life is so much better and I don't feel shame anymore about what I have done to myself by gaining the weight to begin with. I know I'm setting things right and that is the best I can do. There is no point on dwelling in the past at this point. Here I am, becoming me, always someone new :)

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