R3P2D18 (-11) -1
" " " "D19 (-11.4) -0.4
" " " "D20 (-11.8) -0.4
" " " "D21 (-10.6) +1.2
Tom is kicking by butt!!! Blah! Last day of drops before my interruption but I'm trying not to get mad at the numbers. Just the way the dice rolled. I totally caved last night and ate some roast. I was so behind and by the time I finished cooking for the family I was too tired to cook my meal. So I sliced off the leanest piece I could find and had it with some broccoli. The proof is in the pudding! (no I didn't eat pudding, lol :P) The scale sure told me what it thought of that though :( So I have to maintain at 174.4lbs for the week interruption. The BMR Calculator that I use says that I will need 1564 calories and when I add in my activity it comes to 1877 calories a day to maintain.
With that all figured out, think I will go lay on the couch until it is time to get my lil' bug from preschool. The house chores can wait....UGH!

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