Well that was a long 5 days! R3P2D24 (-14.2), D25 (-14.2), D26 (-14.8), D27 (-15), D28 (-16.2) Current weight: 168.8lbs Yay! I'm finally into the 160s!!! That last pound felt like forever to get off. 

I opened a new bottle and I'm pushing through a bit longer. I won't try to predict how long as it can really change from day to day. I think I will just get to a point where I say, "Today's the day!" I woke up yesterday and said to myself that if I was below 170 then I would move into M. I stepped on the scale and it didn't even flicker below 170. Went straight to 170 and said to me...keep going girl! I'm going....I'm going....
Next mini goal is 165. That's only 3.8lbs away. I can do this :)

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