I'm sitting by door hoping my shipment comes today. I don't dare leave because they make you wait until the next day to be able to pick up at the post office. Makes sense since they have to pack it around with them all day but I'm making sure that doesn't happen today. Of course there is the chance that it isn't coming until tomorrow in which case I will be sitting next to my door again, lol.

Egg day went well the other day bringing me down to 167.2 but I did jump back up to 167.8 the next day. Still sitting there today. That's 1.8 above LDW so in the safe zone but barely. I've decided to do a liver cleanse. I bought it awhile back and I think this is a great time to do it since it requires me to eat real clean for a week. Well, that is what I'm supposed to be doing right now anyway! I started this morning and I'll post how it goes. This should also help to kick out those carbs cravings that I have self induced by cheating. I chose the 7 day cleanse because I have never done one before and just want to see how this goes. Maybe next time I will try the 30 day one. There are no restrictions on calories so I can continue to maintain.

I added exercise in yesterday. We woke up to snow and my hubby said, "it is time." We had some wood in the shed but not near what we need for the winter. So, we loaded up the kids in warm gear and headed for the bush. It is actually only a 2 minute drive from us which is rather nice. In 2 hours we filled the back of the truck with nice dry beetle kill :) The kids got a good taste of what it means to work and can now say that they helped heat the house this winter. So they only did part of a row but not a bad start and they behaved very well. I could see pride in my boys eyes while he ate his well deserved snack during a well earned break. It's good for them....and for me! My endurance was good. No huffing and puffing but I definitely felt it in my arms. Good toning session! The only mistake we made was making our fire too big last night. I roasted all night!

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