Hi! Yes, I'm still kicking around. It is the busy season right now and I feel like I'm running before my feet hit the ground every morning. The only thing that has slowed down is business....but only because I am out of stock again! Thank you media but no thank you! There was a silly scare put out last week due to some sites breaking some basic rules. The media, as well as many companies, jumped at the opportunity to use fear to their advantage. The media tried to scare everyone away from using hCG while the retailers used this to up their prices and clear out stock. Good grief! I am not changing a thing. So long as my price stays the same so will my retail price. I have not been told that my price is going up. If you read my blog than you know I don't play games. I'm trying to help people who are dealing with the same problems I am when it comes to our health. 
So not only is my price stable but so am I (at least as far as my weight goes ;) LOL). I am a bit up but I have also been exercising and can feel new muscle mass, especially in my legs and arms. I want to focus on getting a good routine in but I will still have to tone it back during my up coming round. I won't have enough time before next round to make my body really used to it. So far I have been cycling for 20-30 mins in the morning at least 3 times a week....but I just started so will see how this week goes (ie. I've only done 3 workouts in the last week). With winter here, I'm getting lots of shoveling and outside time with the kids. Feeling great but still some neck issues. The last 3 days, I've had to take tylenol to deal with the neck pain but at least it works now. 15 minutes after I'm good to go. I have 3 more weeks before I start round 4 (sounds like boxing...I hear the bell ring in my mind). I'm excited!!!!
I hope everyone is enjoying all the festivities with people that matter to them!

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