So I have to admit, I'm up about 6lbs above LDW right now. Too many temptaions, too many correction days and not enough planning or clean eating to get things stable and keep it there. It happened over 4-5 days and jumped up to +8lbs LDW! I did a yogurt day yesterday and dropped 2lbs so I'll try to keep clean a day and then do another high protein day on Thursday. I hope this holiday doesn't do any more damage to my plan! LOL I wanted to start on Christmas but the majority of friends that are starting another round here soon plan to start on New Years. I'm not sure I could stay strong while everyone around me is still enjoying the freedom of M! So, In my own best interest, I will wait and start with them. Teamwork really helps bring success to a round! I'm excited about how many of us are starting the New Year together and think this will be my best round yet! It will be fun :))

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