R4M1D11 +1.6LDW
Been pretty stable last few days even if it is above LDW. I'm good with that :) I have yogurt and nuts in my life so I'm all good. I survived the Chinese New Years celebration and even enjoyed come chocolate coated strawberries. I came home that night (Saturday) and fell asleep on the couch for a couple hours. When hubby woke me to go to bed I thought for sure I was in for a good nights sleep. Than I couldn't get back to sleep! To my horror I was stuck awake from midnight til after 4am :(( I ended up drugging myself to sleep with some Nyquil. It was all I could find and I was so out of it that I swear I would have taken anything so long as it said: "May cause drowsiness." 2 hours later and it was time to get up for the day. It just goes to show that it probably wasn't such a good idea to eat the chocolate.... At least I didn't have to do a steak day but honestly...I would have rather done the steak day to the lack of sleep and the killer headache.
Note to self....just say no to chocolate.

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