down 0.8 from yesterday :-)

I made it, with minimal woe! Some questions  and some negative criticism but all and all the evening was fine. Of course I  can not say the same for my children's' diet. After WAY to much sugar my 3 year  old was uncontrollable.  The response is always the same:
"you kids were like this too and you survived fine. They are just kids, let them
have fun." So I'm the bad person. I don't think I turned out okay! I'm fat, at
risk for all sorts of health issues, and am only now (in my mid-30s) getting my
nutrition and wellness under control. I want my kids to grow up without having
to work so hard for their health. I want it to be 2nd nature for them to reach
for an orange. Last night, my 3 year old was not having 'fun'. She spent most of
the time in tantrums, crying and kicking. She will be 4 in June and I can tell
you that this kind of behavior is not the norm anymore. She's past that stage. I
  challenge anyone who thinks a bag of jelly beans is harmless for a toddler to
  get out their scale and weigh out 23g of sugar. Now eat it all at once and see
  how you feel. Now imagine a small body of ~40lbs processing the same. 
Sure they may process it fine enough, survive the sugar "rush" but what happens
when they hit their 20s and 30s.....they turn into me.
20 years ago, sugar was a staple right next to bleached  flour and white bread was on everyone's' table. Tomorrow they could inform us  that pepper is actually to blame for Alzheimer or something that seems equally crazy to us today. Who knows!!

All I can do is use the knowledge I have and try to make a good life for me and my family. The past has so much to teach and I want to always be learning. Can someone please teach me how to say no to my family when they offer my kids 'sugary treats' without it turning into a negative blah? :(


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