R1M2D4 (-0.8 LDW)

My body WANTS to lose more, lol. As much as I enjoy being able to eat as much as
I can at this weight, I feel the need to move on here...I'm happy I can eat
pasta though! What a relief. I've talked to people who say they can't touch
carbs without gaining after they dieted hard core. I don't want to spend my life
avoiding ALL carbs forever. This method has got my body burning like it should!
When I say I had spaghetti for supper I mean I had a plate full, not just a cup
of it. Parmesan on top too. I also ended the day with a bowl of ice
cream...about 125g....chocolate...mmmmmm I was within my calorie count and I did
NOT feel guilty. This morning's weigh-in shows that I did great. Looks like I
was actually a bit short but I can live with that :) Not only am I retraining my
body but I'm also conditioning my mind to move forward with the changes. Some
days I feel less optimistic but hey...it's a work in progress....

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