I have just returned from a much needed vacation! It was short but sweet. I'm ready to get back to work :)
Tomorrow I start round 2 of my journey to a healthier me. I stayed within my LDW for close to 6 weeks and feel so much better than I did just 3 months ago. This next round will be short (3 weeks on VLCD) and I'll take what I
can get. No expectations. There is a general feeling of contentment that I find I experience when I just let things be what they will be. Why does it have to be hard? I say, let it be easy! Enjoy what you are doing just for the sake of enjoyment itself. I know, this doesn't work all the time. But just once in awhile, let go and enjoy the moment. For all that you have and all that you CAN do, remember to allow yourself that enjoyment in your life. So for whatever it is, this round will be. LOL I will post as I can but no promises....it is summer!!

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