R2P2D7 (-8.4) another 1.6 gone :)

Happy with my losses so far! I'm sitting right at 190lbs....almost into 180s. WooooHooo! LOL I don't want to hex myself so I won't make any predictions on tomorrow. Once I'm in the low 180s I will be at the same weight I
was when I got engaged. Then I have about 15-20lbs more to go until I get to my wedding day weight. Strange how I am looking at it based on my relationship, lol. It is just what came to mind this morning when I saw how close I am to the 180s.
I went shopping in my closet and found a pair of pants that fit. They look so much better than my now baggy pants from before I started all this. I still seem to be carrying a lot of my weight around my mid section. The other day I was looking for some comfy pants and hubby said "just wear mine" I thought, 'yah, right' He could see my thoughts and insisted I try them on. Sure enough, they fit me. He wears a 34 inch waist pant....I had to step back and really consider my body image. I really don't think I see myself properly right now! If I was a guest on that show "How to Look Good Naked", I'm certain I would fail the 'place yourself in the line of women' test. I didn't take measurements so I have no idea what I have lost. I base everything on my clothing. What I didn't consider was if I would know when my clothes didn't fit me anymore. I have always worried about my clothes getting too small....not too big!! Also think it is about time to go bra shopping...lol...think I'll just get a sports
bra to tide me over to the next level. That will help in M too, for exercising.

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