R2P2D19 (-16.4) another 1.4 gone!

Wow! I was hoping for some good drops after tom left but I wasn't expecting this! Super happy! This brings me down to 182. I have 2 more days of drops, after today. Think I'll make it to the 170s?? Who knows, lol. I am at my personal goal for this round as of today so I'm not going to complain. I had some loose skin when I started this round at the top of the arms under my triceps that has tightened up nicely. I was worried it would get worse but nope. All good :) Today I'm going to take it real easy. All that dancing last night coupled with a full day out with the kids to the parade and then 2 separate
festivals have me feeling pretty weak today. I had a great time and met lots of
wonderful people. So I'm taking today off. Have a good day everyone!

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