Holding steady at 181lbs.
It is my last day of elimination and I think I'll be adding a protein to the day. Not much to say today except, "hurry up day! End!" lol. I think I'm just bored at this point. You know I'm bored when the weather is all I can come up with to talk about. Rain again. This is not summer, it's monsoon season. This doesn't add up seeing I live in the B.C. interior. I have to say that this has been the worst 'summer' on record for weather. I've given up on seeding the lawn since it would just get washed away in the torrential down pours. My kids think it's great for making mud pies. My laundry piles are spring laundry piles. You know what I'm talking about. 3 changes a day with mud and dirt that is in everything and everywhere. I know that my vitamin D levels are low so starting tomorrow I'm going to have to take some suppliments. Either that, or go tanning soon! Maybe what I need to do is get some friends together for a tropical themed party. Only problem with that is every weekend is booked for the next three weeks. This weekend is the stag party for my soon to be cousin in law, so hubby will be at that. The next weekend is hubby's birthday and we're attending a "Halloween in July" party (think I may have mentioned this), and the last weekend is my cousin's wedding. Do Do DO! July Done! I also have to help plan the stagette here right quick! EEK! Okay, bored feeling gone. I better get work. 
Tomorrow I'll post my meals with counts again. I had better go soak some almonds for my almond milk. YAY! So happy to have that back again. 

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