LDW +0.6
Back on track today! This day will involve only one caution food (yogurt), lots of salads, chicken, and eggs. It is Monday which I fondly like to call Momday. Hubby takes the kids all day and short of kisses and hugs (the best part of being a Mommy!!) I don't have to do anything parent related. I'm so happy that we do this for each other! I can spend my time catching up on chores, going for lunch with my brother, chit chat with friends (without the whining that normally happens in the background), and just generally be ME. This is so important to me. I think everyone should have a space (be it of time and/or place) where they can just step out of the rush of life. We often lose ourselves to the obligations of all the wonderful people that we love. Let's remember to INCLUDE ourselves in the list of obligations. I find that when I don't get the time out (really what it is) I don't eat as well either. I have discovered that this is one of my problem areas that I need to pay attention to so that I can continue to be so successful with my health. My other one is telemarketers......(ring ring)

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