Bored with yet another vlcd meal?! Once I get past the first 21 days I like to add in some of the 'protein substitutes'. Such as 1 egg + 3 whites. I save my allowed Tbsp of milk for a delicious omelet! This is just eggs, milk, 100g baby tomatoes, and a sprinkling of Italian spice. The key to a perfect omelet is to cook in an oven safe pan so that you can broil the top to perfection after cooking it most of the way stove top.
Just thought I would share where I'm at today. :) I have no idea just how much I weighed in the first photo as it was taken a year before I started my hCG journey. Here's what I do know. At my heaviest known weight I was 253lbs. I stopped weighing when I saw that on the scale. I tried hard to lose on my own and had some success. But, honestly, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. When I decided to try this protocol I forced myself onto the scale. Before loading for my first round back in April 2011 I was 227.7lbs. Today I'm 142.6lbs. I am happy!
I'm not quite done with this round so I won't say this is my after shot. Just me having a day to reflect on just how far I have come.
Drat! LOL Well I was down 20lbs yesterday but I went up 0.6 today. 142.8lbs this morning. I have increased protein the last few days and it seemed to be helping but maybe I over did it yesterday. Or maybe the time change messed with my regular schedule. Who knows! All good :) I shall press on!
And down 0.8....just took my b12 and feeling good. Bring on another day!
Drat! Up 0.2 and I didn't even cheat! I've decided to stay on a bit longer. I thought that as we lose all our abnormal fat stores we would get VERY hungry. That hasn't happened yet so let's give it a few more days. I'll take it one day at a time and we'll see what happens!