Less than a week until the big man comes but.....Who Cares!?! Tonight....the Tooth Fairy is coming!!!!

Okay, so that was actually last night but it was just so adorable! She was sooo excited! lol

I've had an up and down kinda week. I got as high as +5.4 LDW with stress eating. It can be really frustrating in and of itself! I'll be doing great all day and just after supper it hits me. I didn't get this stuff done or that thing is coming up. I don't think I consciously know what all the stressors are (I call it life!) but I know they are there when I gravitate towards the pantry. What ticks me off is, it isn't like I'm at a social function with tempting foods around me. Quite the contrary! I just did my baking yesterday! I'm actually searching for something and usually end up eating way too many mixed nuts and cheese. Chocolate is in there too but usually in the form of a protein bar, lol.
Thank goodness I'm able to channel some of it through my activities. Yesterday, I set myself to task! I did a top down cleaning of my house including load after load of laundry. I also shovelled our driveway (cough parking lot cough cough).
I picked up the kids after school and we started baking (insert snacks and supper with this) right up until bedtime routine. It was Thursday so hubby was out at game night with the guys for his 'day off'. Tubby and story time was all mine. Just before tubby I let the kids sample some of our sugar cookies. Well, I swear! They were not hard but there's Kaylee...tooth on her shirt! Lol Once she came to terms with what had happened she was all good. Not to mention excited!! The tooth fairy pays $5 a tooth these days...yah know.
I finished up the baking and laundry after the kids were in bed. I stuck to M1W1 foods for the most part. Yes I had a few cookies but my calorie burn for the day was huge and I knew it. This morning I was down 3lbs! Woohoo!!!
What a relief! Christmas time is the hardest time of year for me. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself!

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