Onto a new week! It's Monday and I'll admit that I have done nothing over the weekend as per workouts. Tomorrow I'm back to weights class.
My area of focus for this week is twofold: sleep and water. Both need to be increased if not doubled! With hubby home all the time I'm finding our bedtime is creeping forward later and later. So to help get me back on track I'm doing a 3 week challenge. We know it takes that long to set the pattern in and make it a habit again. I'm setting bedtime for 10:30pm and water is 2L by 11am. No exceptions! Hopefully this will give me something to focus on besides....well...all the negativity around me lately.
I'm a firm believer that we should all make time for ourselves but, wow, life knows how to make that hard! So, babysteps over the next little while. Water to cleanse and sleep to rejuvenate. I can do this!

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