Okay, I'm back! Wowsers! I feel amazing after my little get away weekend :)) I don't even know where to begin, there was so much good energy. I think I will have to spend some time just processing it all before I can really talk about it. I didn't bring my scale and gee...what a surprise...I'm up a bit. I'm 3lbs above LDW but I'm not doing a steak day since I don't know when the gain happened. Think I'll just suck it up and move on. There is my next round coming up here soon. I haven't set the date yet but I'm thinking once the kids are back in school would be good. Hopefully I can slide my weight back down to 182lbs by then too. I can't stay on and blog too long as I have a ton of laundry to catch up on. I am happy to be back and sleeping in my own, warm, comfy bed.

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