R3P2D13 (-7) down 0.2
Little loss day. Meh. :-P I finally went shopping today and now I'm all stocked up on fresh veggies. Yay! I'm having a hard time finding good oranges and strawberries lately. So I'm stuck with apples for now. I might slip back into town for some grapefruits (I just forgot them). The nice thing about being on the vlcd is the savings at the grocery store. I swear I more than pay for each round just in the food savings alone! 
I have my diet buddy back! He decided to do one more round to get rid of that last 10lbs. I think I'll extend my round just so we are on the same page :) He started the vlcd today so I'm in for another 3 weeks for sure. We'll see where I'm at by then but I would like to get as close to 160 before taking another break (I love Maintenance!).  
Ugh! I got dragged away from this (life...it does that) and now I've completely lost my thread for the day. I'm exhausted! Time to climb in the tub and think positive thoughts of great releases. Sleep well everyone!

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