R4P2D3 (-3.2) down 2.6 from yesterday. I'm getting confused because we are doing a tally on the support group but we are calculating from our 1st day of vlcd. So on there I'm -6.6 total, lol. I'll try to keep it all straight on here! So when you look at my total (currently -3.2) you are seeing my loss for this round based on my PREloading weight just as I've done for previous rounds on my blog :)

Not a bad start, hey! I'm happy :) I did chicken cooked in Frank's hot sauce and garlic on a bed of Romaine lettuce for lunch. Squirted some mustard on top and delish! Not sure what I'm doing for supper as I need to go get some veggies. I'm thinking cabbage and prawn soup perhaps.....meh....I'll see what looks good in the store :)

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