R4P2D5 (-6.8) down 1.6 from day before
R4P2D6 (-8) down 1.2 from yesterday
Total loss including load weight this round is 11.4lbs
Happy dancing :)) Actually, that's exactly what I did last night. Dancing into the wee hours of the night.
Today I went snowmobiling so I increased my protein for both meals to 4 ounces to help counter the extra activity in the last 24 hours. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I can really feel the strain in my stomach muscles from pulling the machine on turns today. While the weather was warm it brought with it some rain. This made it hard to turn and I almost flipped on one turn...got stuck up on my side! LOL We ropped some GTs behind the snowmobiles and I dragged my hubby around a field. It was so much fun! I laughed so many times as he tried to stand on the little kid GT snow racers only to go head over heals through the snow. You could see the prints in the snow telling the tale of our adventures. Maybe that's why my tummy hurts... :) Some pain is good pain!

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