R5P2D2 down 3.2lbs from yesterday! Woohooo!!! Another 4lbs load weight to ditch and I'm headed back to the 160s. It seems that is a real strong set point for me....breaking below 170 that is...I did spend some time at this weight in my early 20s so no surprise. It is when I hit the 150s that I'll really be singing! I haven't seen those numbers since I was a teen!
This is going to be a good round! I have just a slight headache going on but no hunger issues. Thirsty!!! I'm sooo thirsty all the time! I'll take that as a good sign that my body needs the water quick to help flush out that fat! Yeeehaw! LOL
Doing this one day at a time and focusing on things I need to get done....like my taxes!!! .....and laundry....is there a laundry imp out there that sneaks in to our drawers...dirties up a bunch of clothes and then deposits them in our bathroom??? I swear there is more laundry than the days should be able to account for!
I'm also shifting some of my focus to the great outdoors. This year we have to seed the lawn....HAVE TO...Last year it was monsoon weather most of the summer so it was just useless to put seed down.
We also have to build a coop right quick...yes you read that right! We're getting chickens!!! They come at the end of May as all female chicks and we are keeping them inside for 2 weeks....in a playpen no less, lol. It was recommended that we do this because they are sooo small still. It is good for the kids to handle them lots so they are friendlier and get to know us. These are laying hens so I'll be looking for a male by fall. I have no idea how long it takes to get to the laying stage but probably not until next spring. Pretty exciting but now I have to get a chick-sitter for when we want to go to the lake and such. LOL The way I see it.....if it isn't working out after a couple years we can always change our mind :) We are starting with 9 so that should give us plenty of eggs!!! There is a high demand for organic eggs so if there is too much I can sell some locally. The neighbors are already interested! I don't blame them though....think of it..."Honey, I'm just going next door to get some eggs....be back in 5 minutes!" Hehehehe!!!! Too cool!

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