R5P2D21 -0.6
You know what that means!!! I'm into the 150s!!! WOOHOOO!!! Happy dancing in the house today! I'm at 159.6lbs! I can hardly believe it! I'm pushing on a couple more days so I can hit a safe range for my LDW to maintain below the 160s.
You know....I did start my hCG journey at about 230lbs but my heaviest weight was over 250lbs (I threw the scale out at that point so not sure how much above that I got). This means that in ~10lbs I will have shed 100lbs from my body! Part of me wants to cry that I let myself gain so much excess and the other part wants to celebrate that I have been so strong to come back from there to this healthy and energized body! What an experience this last year has been! This moment (making it into my healthy BMI) seemed sooo far away last April (2011) but here I am!!! 13 months later and healthy!!!

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