R1M1D3 (+0.6 LDW) correct me please if this is the wrong way to express this, I am on my 3rd day of eating
2000 calories.

I think I had too much salt and not enough water
yesterday. It is really hard and seems like all I do is eat. I'm also feeling
tired the last couple days. So I'm not sure if I'm getting enough in!!! Good
grief. How am I supposed to know if a gain is due to too much or too little??? I
also missed an orange and the carrots and didn't finish my supper veggies. I
just couldn't get it in. So here I try again to get 2000 callories in one day.
If I gain again like I have the last 2 days then I'm going to have to call Cara.
I'm so dissapointed since I have put so much work into this and have read so
many that say they move no more then 0.4lb in a day. I'm also having a hard time
sleeping with vivid dreams when I do sleep. My mood is generally down but this
may be due to the grey weather we have had lately and the gains over the last 2
days. Frustrating.
Nowhere to go but forward, so here's the day so far:

Breakfast- 1 egg + 3 egg whites 125, 1/2 med zucchini 40, 8 oz
almond milk 70 (have not got a consistent calorie count on this so putting high
end count), 2 tsp olive oil 80, 1 orange 66
Snack- Whey protein shake (2
scoops) 220, 1 cup strawberries 45, 1 Tbsp coconut oil 120

I'll post rest later so I'm not always correcting myself :)

Later this day...
Lunch- 185g chicken 214, 3 Tbsp
Guacomole (mashed avacodo with some spices only) 84, 2 Tbsp Salsa (no added
sugar) 10, I cooked the chicken in 1 1/2 Tablespoons olive oil but I did up 7
pieces of chicken so.....let's say 1/2 tsp olive oil 20, 2 cups lettuce 17

That's 1111 calories so far :(  889 to go....Is this for real??? I
feel like I'm doing load days!
I did 15 minutes on my bike too but kept it
at the lowest setting, calorie burner said I burned 65 calories.

Even Later this day....
Afternoon Snack- 8 oz Almond milk 70, apple 73
And I copied Lunch for Supper, lol. That was 345 That leaves
~400 calories for snack time?!? Yah right....Think it's safe to say that I'll
have a fruit for snack (orange 66) and I guess I could do another whey shake

That'll put me at 1892 calories for the day. We'll see what the scale has to say about that in the morning. No one can say I'm not trying my  hardest to do this right!

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