R1M1D16 (-0.8) up 0.6 from yesterday
So how do I know when I gain if it is muscle or fat storage?? I ate 1814 calories yesterday. I also did a fair amount of yard work. The most strenuous being the shoveling. We got three loads of dirt and me and hubby moved about half of one of these loads to the side of the house. We have final inspection on our house at the end of June so it is crunch time. Although we hired a contractor (the bank made us), we have been very involved in the whole process. We did our own painting, laminate flooring, in floor heating, tiles (over 900 sq ft of tiles!!! killer on the knees!) and hubby helped install electrical too. we hung the light fixtures plus numerous little jobs that I'm probably forgetting at this point. We also did most of the daily clean ups and found this really encouraged our subs to do cleaner work. They really appreciated a clean work place :) We built our own mantel to the fireplace (do you know how much these cost??? Crazy!) That was just the inside work. Hubby just finished the railings on the back deck and side entrance. It works out that I am apparently a good negotiator and, toward the end, my contractor would just send the sub-contractor to talk to me, lol. Saved us lots! I have people that
want me to come work for them now, lol. So lastly, our biggest projects now involve setting the grade for proper drainage around the house and recreating the yard itself. This has been an ongoing battle with spring flooding and getting enough fill. Everything costs $$$
That all said.... I don't know how  to gain muscle and not gain weight so I am 'stable'. I can't avoid the work
so....do I up proteins?? Am I to do a steak day if I gain 2 pounds above LDW  even if it is muscle?? I am not trying to make excuses to avoid a steak day. I'm just not certain how to approach this...(I do love the feel of my arms today!) I wonder if I didn't eat enough yesterday and that is why there was a gain. Not that it was a gain to be concerned about...I'm not. I think I will press the question to the group and see what others have to say on the wall......
I just read the ingredients to the sausage I had last night again and I'm seeing lots of salt in there....hopefully I am just retaining some water. It follows the rules otherwise with no gluten. I just don't understand how my friend can guilt eat and exercise AND lose fat (his scale shows everything), while I do a bit of activity and gain...The other thing I see is I tried to add salsa (no sugars added) and guacamole back in. The last time I ate these was when the gaining led me to the steak day. So I'm eating clean today and will try each of these on their own days so I can pinpoint which is to blame...if any. There are bound to be fluctuations, hence the +/- 2lbs lead way. I just feel like 0.6-1lb is a bit much for one day. Shouldn't it be more like 0.2-0.4 flux....just saying....(yah...I'm not concerned...HA) The truth is told >< I just want to be done maintenance and on to my next round. So this is me getting impatient....don't mind me...I'll be more optimistic tomorow.

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