And into October we go!
I'm starting to get organized and how interesting that I'm feeling physically better too. Mind, body, and spirit! Seems such a common statement these days. Printed on a bottle of perfume or strung up in beads for a bracket. We easily dismiss the hard truth. It is essential to take to heart our health and recognize that we are all interconnected. This means we hold a duty to take care of ourselves.
What does that mean?! To take care of oneself!?
I'll tell you what that means to me:

I need to always be in search of betterment. If I can learn something new every day then I'm in a constant state of betterment. The more I understand the easier it is for me to make informed choices. This is my mind.

I need to be physically healthy. I push to provide my body with as much nourishment as I can so that I may achieve longevity. Be that through activities, food, or water. This is my body.

I need to feel love. Our emotions influence every choice we make. Our whole existence is dependant on our feeling of love. My circle of love spirals out from within to my family, my friends, my community, and so on. We need love from others, from ourselves and from the whole. This is my spirit.

When I feel these needs are met than I know I'm doing it right. I can tell based on how pleasurable my experiences transcend. When I am in pain or feel frustrated lots I know something is up! As soon as one of these suffers, I know it's time to start paying attention to all three. All the answers are right there for us. All we have to do is take care of ourselves by listening. If you do right for you then you can't help but do right for others.

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