I was reading labels (a common pastime at this point) and wondered why potassium and sodium had earned special ranks up at the top of our labels. Why weren't they down with the rest of the vitamins and minerals?? I had to investigate!
It turns out there is a pretty special relationship between sodium and potassium. I am not one who hides the salt shaker. As a child my mother would complain that it looked as though it snowed on my steak. I also have never had any problem with my blood pressure. So I assumed that sodium just wasn't an issue for me. I have however had dry skin, acne problems, chills, depression, muscular fatigue, and a few more symptoms associated with low potassium (though recent tests showed all my levels except vitamin D to be excellent, yay). These past experiences have me thinking though!
Sure I can handle the salt just fine but unless I keep my potassium up to the same degree I will lose cellular balance. I've got a pretty good ear for listening to my body now so I think it is no coincidence that I have 'happened' upon this information today. For the last week I've literally had banana cravings (which I totally complied with one a day). I hear yah body!!! I'm all over this!
I need to watch more closely what combinations I'm doing (along with my vitamin d supplements) to ensure that I'm getting about the same amount of sodium to potassium each day. While it no longer snows on my steaks and frozen banana yogurt is always on the menu, I will still be keeping an eye out for ques to keep me on track.
A little aside: when a box says "source of 7 essential nutrients" do you know what they mean? They are referring to the fat, sodium, potassium, carbs, fibre, sugar, and proteins. I'll leave that statement as is for you to decide how you feel.
I'll also leave you with a link to a great description on what I've touched on today:


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