Update!!! Where the heck have I been!?! I'm here :) I've just had a bit of a rough go this last week.
Hubby is off on disability and in severe pain with no clear answers as to why yet. Let's not talk about that right now though. It's too upsetting when we don't know what we are dealing with yet. I'll update as we know more. The flu has also been wreaking havoc! I swear we are just passing it around in a circle. Try as I might to clean it out it just will not go.
I'm up but not horribly. 3lbs up today. I seem to be sitting between +3-4lbs LDW. Not bad considering all the wrong choices made over the holidays! Too many cookies and wine ;)
I start gymnastics back up on Wednesday and plan to hit the pool next week. I can do it!!
I can't say that I had a method to make it through the holidays because I literally winged it! It would be guests and drinks one day a steak day the next! Normally I would follow a correction day with 3-4 clean days but let's face it...that isn't really possible during Christmas. So instead I was doing a correction day, a cheat day, a correction day, a couple days of letting it climb a little as I didn't want to slip into starvation mode or because a lunch, dinner, evening event would come up. Carb addiction is bad. I'll own it! It seems that one bite is impossible and the body forgets what full feels like. When I crash, I crash hard. Many days I'd start out good with a nice egg breakfast, snack of fruit and salad with meat for lunch. Then mid afternoon I'd walk by the 'treats' (seems they were everywhere I went!) and have just one. Yah, never stays at just one does it!? I find that within 15-20 minutes of having sugar my body asks, no, demands that I have more. Runaway train after that! I feel like crap when I do it too which makes me realize just how strong the addiction really is that I would continue to eat foods that make me ill. Real ill.
So on the 2nd (we did our last major dinner on the 1st thankfully) I set out to cleanse my system. I reminded myself that it take at least 3 days to clear the body and get past the cravings. This is the key! Many have asked what is it that I do to make it through holidays or how do I set myself back on track after a slip? It is all in how you talk to yourself!! Don't waste energy punishing yourself for gaining. All that does is encourage more mistakes. Remember the good times you had with your friends and family. Think about where you want to go next with your health. Be proactive! What are you going to do to reach those goals? If you can't seem to get the negative thoughts out of your head then pick up a pen. Write it all out. What can you do differently next time you face these same challenges? Because guess what!? This is your life and holidays are going to happen...again and again. Last year I gained back over 20lbs during the Xmas season. This year it was 4lbs. The more we practise the better we'll get! This year, I am reminded that just one bite is never enough. I learnt it last year so that helped me to recognize it this time....even if I didn't always listen.

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