R6P2D20 -18.4 I'm now at 143.8lbs :) I was up late the night before last helping cut and pack our moose meat. So happy to have a clean, lean, very healthy red meat for the winter! I get a little flack for being a hunter from some but in my opinion...if you still buy meat from the store than you have no right to criticize me. I hold myself responsible for the life I take and honour that beautiful animal by living as healthy as I can. I feel no shame.
What I did feel was some very sore arms though!!! I had dropped 0.4 that morning but then the day after cutting I was up the 0.4 again. It was just water retention and I knew it. Today....whoosh! There it went as a nice 1.2lb release. Yay!
Just today and tomorrow for drops so I guess the morning weigh in will be my ldw. If I lose 0.8 than I'll be just laughing!!! Remember the other day? Where I reached 145....and just wanted 2 more....it might just happen!!!

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